Opera Mini 8 Secret codes

As I have already said that I'll share secret codes of opera mini in last post about secret codes of uc browser , I'm sharing the secret codes of opera mini which works on all new versions of opera mini in all platforms like Java, Android and others.

Top 4 websites for free php scripts

Php. If you are a beginner in php read this or else skip this. It is a server side language like html. It allows you to build extra-ordinary webpages. The good thing in php is it can be embedded in html documents. It can be used to create thousands of tools,gadgets,webpages etc,. Some examples of uses of php are guest book, cpanel, email, login, signup, search boxes , uploading , and lots. It is easy to learn basic php. Don't worry there are also thousands of sites providing free ready made php scripts just for back links. You can also edit them with the permission of the provider to get rid of backlinks.

Top 4 sites providing free php scripts

1 Hotscripts

I am adding this site first because of its quantity . Yes thousands of free php scripts are available here. Normally others provide tens or hundreds of scipts only. Visit them here

2 Php Junkyard

It is the site I'm using in my sites . You can download the free php scripts in zip format. Most of the hosting providers support unzipping files . So dont worry . Visit them here

3 Gscripts

They have nearly 25 categories with atleast 5 scripts in each of them. Most of your needs will be fulfilled here

4 Zubrag

It is a simple php scripts providing website. Thier tools are very helpful for a newbie .They also have some articles on php. Visit them here


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