
Showing posts with the label email

Opera Mini 8 Secret codes

As I have already said that I'll share secret codes of opera mini in last post about secret codes of uc browser , I'm sharing the secret codes of opera mini which works on all new versions of opera mini in all platforms like Java, Android and others.

How to protect your inbox from spammers

This post provides you some tricks and tools to avoid lots of spam emails. Lets start from how do they find your email address. There are lots and lots of ways for a spammer to notice your address. The first way and the best way is scanning. They send scanners to the web for finding mail ids. They scan and copy all those with @domain name.

Forget @hotmail and remember @outlook

OUtlook Microsoft will soon convert it's email service providers like Hotmail, MSN, live automatically under the new domain name to provide a best

How to prevent from being spammed

Spam . They are they bulk emails sent for advertising a product, company or a website. They send the spam mails to targeted members. Yes targeted. You may find many of the websites which offer a free content in return to your email id. They will ask your Name and email id for sending the download details. But after giving you the