Opera Mini 8 Secret codes

As I have already said that I'll share secret codes of opera mini in last post about secret codes of uc browser , I'm sharing the secret codes of opera mini which works on all new versions of opera mini in all platforms like Java, Android and others.

How to protect your inbox from spammers

This post provides you some tricks and tools to avoid lots of spam emails. Lets start from how do they find your email address. There are lots and lots of ways for a spammer to notice your address. The first way and the best way is scanning. They send scanners to the web for finding mail ids. They scan and copy all those with @domain name.



Even The above email will be scanned by them. But they will omit it. Thinking how. If you have accounts in multiple mail providers you will notice that popular ones like yahoo and hotmail receive spam. Its because they need real men for spamming and they are in large amount in yahoo and hotmail.

Manual submission

You may not hear this before. But its true. One of your friends may give your email and get free prizes like ipod and anything like that. There are lot of websites to submit email address and earn gifts. So avoid giving out emails to unknown and publishing publicly.

Steps to prevent it

The two mentioned above are the major ways to find your address. Still there are thousands of methods to get your email. Now to prevent it, you should do some simple 5 steps.

Create Image copy of your email

It will help you if you are in a need to give your emails to lots of people while commenting or while posting in forums. Just do it by entering your email in the below box

For creating image with more security go toEmail encrypterThis step will keep your email secure from those eagle eyes. Using ocr(optical character recognition) they may extract your email from image. But it is not used by 94% of email finding Bots. But if you add any alt tags to the generated image then the step will become useless. So don't use alt tags while using image method.

Using javascript to display email ids

If you don't feel comfort with the above method, then you can use this. Using java script to display your email address will prevent any bots and even search engine spiders from reading your email id. Don't worry if you don't know how to encrypt email with js. I have created a small tool for it.

Post the generated code into js supported forums and every where you need to give. These two methods stop the scanners but how to stop others from submitting. For that you may use some some Disposable emails


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